Main principles

The main goal of the services we put in place, is to force the refreshment of the cache system of your website.

First Step

As a first step, once your subscription is successfully finished, we setup our services to prepare for the refreshment of your website. We also pre-analyze your sitemap file.

Second Step

Then, as a second step, our service will be triggered daily to visit each one of the pages of your sitemap, upto the number of pages corresponding to your Plan.
It means that if you subscribed to the Free Plan, our service will visit 10 pages daily.
For other plans, it will be upto the number of pages specified in your Paid Plan.

Each page will be visited as a human would do using its internet browser.

Important considerations

For your information, we try to not hammer your server by defining a polite Crawl Delay.
That corresponds to the time our service will wait between each visit of page.
Without this Crawl Delay, it would result in a huge overload of the server in a short time, that could result in slow responsiveness of the pages served to your visitors.
By enabling that delay, we let your server answer us quietly, at its own ryhtm.
We try to choose an adequate CrawlDelay, adapted to each server.
If you have special needs concerning that point, please inform us.

Therefore, visting all the pages of your website can take a long time, depending on many aspects :
Whole number of pages
Size of each page (weight)
Physical resources of the server (CPU, RAM, disk, ...)
Current workload of the server (current traffic/usage)
Geographical position of the server
Type of server (Shared Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, ...)
Complexity of the website (simple html website, Wordpress with many plugins, ...)

Let's consider a simple example.
One client has a website with 500 urls, and has opted for the Profesional Plan, with 500 urls to be visited.
On average, each page of his website takes 1 second to load.
Without a Crawl Delay, it would take more or less 500 seconds to visit all the pages.
With a Crawl Delay enabled and setup to, let's say 1s, it will take twice as long.
That's certainly usually not a big problem for the most of you, but please keep in mind all these specificities mentioned above.

Cache or no cache, that is the question !

Nowadays, all websites are generated dynamically, and are often using the php technology.
It means that when a visitor comes on one of your pages, your website will prepare the requested page
and will serve it to this visitor across its internet browser. That can be quite costly for the server running the website,
and time consuming.

But what if many visitors request the same page at the same time ?
The same work will be realized again and again for each one of your visitors.
Ok, so why not prepare the whole stuff only one time and serve the same prepared page to the other visitors ?
Got it ! That's where comes the interesting principle of caching a webpage.

Now when your visitor will come for the first time on a page, your website will still prepare the page, but only one time,
and will then store it on the server to be available for further requests !
This first step will still take some time, for sure, but next requests will be served very quickly !
You can always work without cache, but as it exists, why not enjoy it ?


What are we waiting from you ?

Almost nothing !
But, we need to know among others :
1) Your contact information (Name, address, email, ...) .
2) The address of the website you want to refresh.
3) A sitemap of that website
You will be requested all these informations during the subscription step.
Quite simple, isn't it ? :)

What is a sitemap file ?

A sitemap is a representation of your whole website.
It lists all the ressources that you want to make visible to the robots of Google or other indexing services.
If you want more information about sitemaps, you can consult the following wikipedia page : Sitemaps-Wikipedia
or that page : - About Sitemaps

How can I generate a sitemap file ?

If you are running a website powered by a CMS like Wordpress, Joomla, ..., there are often many free plugins available that can take in charge the automatic generation of the sitemap of your website.
For Wordpress : Have a look to Wordpress sitemap plugins
For Joomla : Have a look to Joomla sitemap plugins
For Drupal : Have a look to Drupal sitemap module
For other systems, please check the homepage of the given system.

If you don't encounter a plugin or module to generate automatically your sitemap, you can use a service to generate a sitemap of your website on demand.
You can use for instance this service : (hey, we don't get money for that !)
You will be asked to enter the address of your website. After a small wait, your sitemap will be ready to be downloaded.

How can I provide you with my sitemap file ?

If you use a plugin or module to automatically generate your sitemap, just provide us with the location of the sitemap hosted on your server.
For instance :

If you used an external service to generate for you the sitemap manually, either upload your sitemap file
on your server and then provide us with the location of the file, or either send us the file by email. (not prefered solution)

If you couldn't find a solution to get a sitemap of your website, please contact us.
Therefore, if you already have the location of your sitemap file, provide us with it during the subscription step,
if not, contact us.

How do I sign up?

Just choose one of our plans, either Free Plan or Paid Plan, and fill up the form that will then appear.
You will be requested to enter your account details, location of your sitemap file, ...


Concerning the plans

Plans are available either as a Free service or with a monthly fee.
As a matter of a fact, we decided from the first beginning to propose to everyone a Free Plan, in order to provide a working service at no cost, as a usable service for small websites or even for testing purposes .
Because, in our real world, why should you trust us when we say it simply works ?! :)
Therefore, you can for instance begin with a small Paid Plan or even a Free Plan, and gradually upgrade your plan as your website grows up.
And to let you test our services, all our Paid Plans come with a free trial period of 14 days !
So just give it a try !

What is a Free Plan ?

Our Free Plan is totally free !
This plan is here to let you test the service at your own ryhtm, analyze your statistics, check your cache, or even for small websites.
In other words, time is the key !

What is a Paid Plan ?

Paid Plans are available for websites with more than 10 pages, that need more options and services.
You are able to upgrade your current plan at any moment. Your subscriptions fees will be recomputed in consequence.
(In a further time, it will be possible to subscribe options separately from the plans.)

Which one should I choose ?

It depends on your needs. You are the boss !
As said above, you can start small to go big.
In fact, it does not really matter as all of our paid plans come with a 14-days Free Trial Period.

Why Recurring Fees ?

Simply because we too have on our side recurring fees for our infrastructure !
We use the services of well known providers that bill monthly for the use of their services.
Among others, we use computational servers, database servers, ...
Everything has a cost, indeed a monthly cost, and the costs quickly grow as we are greedy :)